Monday, January 3, 2011

Well I quit!

Well I quit! I have been banging on about quitting for quite some time and it seemed only fair to carry out my threats while my sanity was in a vague disorder to make myself presentable for another job, what ever that may be…

I resigned with dignity, well it should be as I downloaded a ready made resignation letter from the Open University in the UK. Tacked is always worth the extra effort, as I may need to ask the bastards for a reference and a job back if all goes pair shaped.

So what are the reasons, I suppose it depends were you stand or the way you look at it, but for starters working for a company that doesn’t know what it is doing is always hard to work for. No really!

Don’t get me started but to some it up on the last trip 3 trips I was still reporting the same faults in the system we use as I was 4 years ago! And the thought of starting another yeah with the same crap just drove me deeper into hole.

I was increasingly becoming lost and losing my compassion for fellow beings. This is not good and not the way I wish to lead my life. As some one much wiser than me said recently “Life is in real time”. So true.

Well typically, I sent my mail and my boss replied which is the first time he has replied so promptly ever. But I thought HR or other people might have mailed. You know asked for the keys back or something. But nothing… oh well what did I expect…