Thursday, September 24, 2009

The abandonment

Many people don't realise that there are many periods in life, one classic one being The Enlightenment, where (I think, I haven't been emancipated yet) the great people of France decided you could obtain intellect without the helping hand of the church, thus releasing themselves from emancipation. Here in Mosjoen, the town in the middle of nowhere they have completely ignored this concept, as being to hard work, tow the line and gone straight to the "The Abandonment". The Abandonment period, is only in its infancy, however in the is northern town it has reached epidemic proportions and involves, the abandonment of anything that you own, for example at the local swimming pool, this large building containing tepid water, which is surrounded by a first world war battle field style car park. I suppose the local council just think well it will snow soon and then all the shell holes and trenches will be full and nobody will notice until next summer when they will be full of rain again. Anyway I digress... The swimming pool, in this vastness of space surrounding the building local types feel the need to ride there bikes right up to the front door and then abandon them. Many get so close there front wheels touch the door stop, and anyone else trying to get to the front door need to squeeze on through the labyrinth of bikes to get to the tepid waters within. Why, is this Chaos's in motion, can't they use a bit of sense and use the perfectly good bike store to the left, and then I noticed the do the same with there cars. Healthy sporting people, so engrossed with the philosophy of Abandonment, drive there cars right up to the back door of the sports hall and then park in some haphazard way rather than 20m away in a perfectly good quagmire of first world war hell. Anyway this leads me nicely onto the the swimming pool... The great thing about swimming is you need very few in appurtenances of the sport, unlike other activities like climbing or road biking etc. Swimming is very simple you need water, contained in some space, not to cold so you don't die of hypothermia, and pair of Speedo's and goggles. That's it, nothing fancy. Very simple. Cheap (ish) after all its Norway, and you even have a place to Abandon your towel! Everything is sorted, all you need to do is wave your arms around, kick a bit and you move forward. be careful to to wave them randomly with gulping sounds as someone in the little glass booth by the side of the pool might have to get all heroic or something. In the UK, or the pools I go to the UK in, you couldn't see the water for Floats, but come to Norway its a Float free pool and when I asked for one (training!!!) they told me "Bring your own". Great, I will. They did have one, but it was so gigantic it was probable part of the pool cover. Anyway not to worry.

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