Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Appurtenances of the industry of coffee making!

So there we were, Siri and I strolling through the deserted streets of Mosjoen, the town in the middle of nowhere! When suddenly we saw a sign on this shop door staying, Coffee tasting session, free between 13-15 today. So we went in, and found this slightly crazy norwegian artist installed behind a semi clean counter, covered in appurtenances of the industry of coffee making! He immediately set to, without an introduction in high speed norwegian to explain the dizzy delights of some colombian blended bean in different apparatus that lay strewn about the coffee shop / gallery. I just wanted a coffee, but new my naivety of asking would result in me being thrown into the street, and probable in a very none Norwegian way, cuffed in the process. So for once I kept my mouth shut, and just accepted the small coffee placed in front of me. It tasted good, and then another one presented, followed by a whirlwind of explanation and the correct apparatus and more importantly the correct scientific making process! The making of the coffee was the methodology of the scientist, scale, thermometers and apparatus, all presented with this nonstop drivel, questions without waiting for answers. Just rhetoric, or just ignored answers. We drank more coffee, about 5 super charged small cups, and then headed back into the streets of Mosjoen, the city in the middle of space and time, high as a kite in search of pizza.

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