Friday, May 1, 2009


In the gentle art of sport climbing, which should be gentle, but in my case seems to involve frantic jumping for small holds, to somehow drag myself up to the top. This is normally associated with me speaking in short sharp tones, followed by “take in” and “watch me”. When all is said and done, and nervously try to build my shattered esteem back up by reciting endless tails of woe, normally along the lines, of “When I was lad, the rock plastered with snow, my crampons squealing, the tied off piton, a distant memory….” You get the picture… I am the guru master, of self-justification!

Nemesis-veggen, known to other sport climbing, as Møtteveggen is a brutally steep cliff, on the island of Sotra, which is west of Bergen. Home to a handful of desperate sports routes and equally desperate traditional routes. The crag, has become my Nemesis, as it had become for my fellow comrade in arms. This weeks special guest, Comrade Anti and Comrade Camilla. Møtteveggen isn´t a bad place it just a place that extenuates my weaknesses to the maximum. This results in a lot of “TAKE IN….” and “Watch me” statements. Today was no different apart from today I was able to actually get up some routes, but only just… The first route a Nosk 5 was typical untypical for the crag and was very Scottish, basically brutal and awkward. After this I launched up some 6+ and after passing the crux, I just didn´t have enough go go juice to carry on and fell off. Anti and Camilla swarmed up it, and a after a brief rest I mounted the climb with a top rope and got up it.

Bring back trad climbing all is forgiven….

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