Saturday, October 17, 2009

Post Permittert

Permittert is a word, simple, almost like Permit, but means one thing if you get a call, and that is simple your no longer needed at work. Well I never got the call, which isn't surprising as they never call me about anything unless its to use my body to sit in some seat on some boat. Anyway I digress, I never got the phone call, but 50% of the Geo team did, cut down in there youth. Sad. I am sad about it. They were all better at doing there jobs than me, and I have never in 12 years of working offshore had a boss that inspired me, but I have always been inspired by the people around me and may be that is why when I got some text message on Monday night and flight details to join the boat without any explanation. So cold. I flipped out, didn't sleep and sent a mail, worded in such away they decided not to invite me on there little cruise. Timing is everything is seismic, everything, and it would seem I got my timing to perfection by flipping out on the Permittert day! But there you go, I have a job. Mellaine, Ole, Oyvind, Timo, Danny, Andre, Gabi, Hollie, Susie, there are two more but I don't have there names, don't.

Anyway, missing the good weather I headed up Øyfjell above Mosjøen today, the snow in places was deep, and cloud low to form mist. I saw nothing, and even if the mist did move I saw very little. Had to navigate to the summit, like the old days but had the joys of using Trackback on the GPS which brings you back to the start. Winter was here, -10 and now its back to Autumnal. Wet with soft snow.

1 comment:

  1. That sucks! Well glad to hear that you still have a job...

    Weather has been damn fine in the Big B - almost makes up for the lack of summer. Although come to think of it, no it doesn't!
